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Lake at the Park
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Oakboro Farmers Market
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Small Town Charm
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Friday Night Cruise In
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Quaint Small Town Shopping
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Railroad Museum
Zoning Department
Engineering Standards Manual (Update in Progress)
New Home Packet
Historic Preservation Commission
All forms here
Planning Board Rules of Procedure
Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Ordinances are available in Town Hall for inspection.
Oakboro’s Planning and Zoning / Board of Adjustment meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6pm at Oakboro Town Hall.
Georgia Osborne-Harvey
Zoning Enforcement
Zoning Board/Board of Adjustment Members:
Leonard Harvell, Chairman
Jay Voyles, Vice-Chairman
David Heath
Chris Murray
Wes Tucker
Lanny Hathcock, Alternate
Board of Commissioner Liaisons: Joey Carpenter & Fred Smith
Agendas 2024-2025
July 9 | August 13 | September 10 23 | October 8 | November 12 | December 10 |
January 14 | February 11 | March 11 | April 8 | May 13 | June 10 |
Minutes 2024-2025
July 9 | August 13 | September 10 | October 8 | November 12 | December 10 |
January 14 | February 11 | March 11 | April 8 | May 13 | June 10 |
Agendas 2023-2024
July 13 | August 8 | September 12 | October 10 | November 14 | December 12 |
January 9 | February 13 | March 12 | April 9 | May 14 | June 11 |
Minutes 2023-2024
July 13 | August 8 | September 12 | October 10 | November 14 | December 12 |
January 9 | February 13 | March 12 | April 9 | May 14 | June 11 |
Minutes 2022-2023
July 12 | August | September 13 | October 11 | November | December 13 |
January 10 10 | February 14 | March 14 | April 11 | May 9 | June 13 |
1) Can I change my property’s zoning?
Requests for zoning changes must be made on a form provided by the Town of Oakboro. The application must be submitted in completed form together with a sketch of where the property is located, including lot size, etc. After the Planning and Zoning Board review, a recommendation will be made to the Town of Oakboro Commissioners for consideration.
If the application is approved, the Commissioners will after due publication of the zoning changes, conduct a Public Hearing during their regularly scheduled meeting (2014 Calendar). unless otherwise necessary to schedule at a different date.
2) What is the difference between a Building Permit and a Zoning Permit?
A zoning permit is issued by the Town of Oakboro’s Zoning Enforcement Officer and ensures that any new structure or an alteration to an existing structure meets the Town’s setback requirements. It also guarantees that the new structure or alteration is allowable under the regulations for the zoning district. A building permit is issued by Stanly County and allows for a building, sign, or other structure to be erected, moved, extended, enlarged, or structurally altered. Both zoning and building permits must be issued before work can begin. The Town’s zoning permit is a prerequisite to the County’s building permit.
3) Where do I get a zoning permit?
Zoning permits are available at the Oakboro Town Hall located at 109 North Main Street. The Zoning Officer is currently available by appointment only or complete the zoning permit (1/1/24) and return completed form to Town Hall by emailing townofoakboro@oakboro.com or in person during normal business hours.
There are different zoning forms: Change in Zoning Zoning Variance Zoning Compliance (1/1/24) Zoning Compliance-Interior Construction
4) What do I include in my application for permit?
Each application to the Zoning Enforcement Officer for a zoning permit shall be accompanied by plot plans in duplicate showing:
- The actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon;
- The size of the building to be erected;
- The location of the building on the lot;
- The location of existing structures on the lot, if any;
- The number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate;
- The approximate setback lines of buildings on adjoining lots; and
- The intended use of the property.
5) How long is my permit good for?
Any zoning permit issued will be cancelled after a six-month period if no work has begun. Likewise, if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of one year, the permit will have expired requiring the issue of a new permit.
6) Do I need a permit to build a sign?
The purpose of sign regulations is to 1) encourage and permit signs that promote the public health; 2) are compatible with and supportive of the requirements for traffic safety; and 3) are consistent with the visual quality and the historic and scenic character of Oakboro.
Permits are not required on the following types of signs:
- Political signs
- Construction signs
- Real estate signs
- Flag signs
- Institutional signs
- Public signs
- Public service signs
- Integral sign
- Occupant / Street Number signs
- Professional name plates
- No trespassing / no loitering signs
- Emergency / warning signs
Sign permits are required for all other signs. Be sure to contact Town Hall if there is any ambiguity as to whether a sign fits into one of the aforementioned categories. There are also regulations concerning what types of signs are allowed in the different zoning districts. Check with the Zoning Enforcement Officer for further information. Print a permit: temporary sign permit for banners, special events, etc. Once completed, return form to Town Hall by emailing townofoakboro@oakboro.com or in person at 109 A North Main St.
7) How much does a zoning permit cost?
8) How do I know what my property is zoned and what is the Oakboro ETJ?
This map, Oakboro Town Limits, is representative of zoning in the Town of Oakboro, however, some areas may not be up to date therefore it is prudent to check with the zoning department before proceeding with any plans based on zoning relayed in this map. The ETJ or Extraterritorial Jurisdiction is the area where Oakboro has Zoning authority.