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Town of Oakboro Utilities Department

Public Works

Reggie Bowers - Utilities Director

Tommy Gibbons - ORC

Anthony Gasparini - Maintenance Supervisor

Adam Harvell - Utilities Technician
Cory Yow - Utilities Technician
Levi LuQuire - Utilities Technician
Gabe Robinson - Utilities Technician


Town Of Oakboro
Local Wellhead Protection Program Plan Notice

The Town of Oakboro, with assistance from the North Carolina Rural Water Association, is in the process of updating its Local Wellhead Protection Program Plan. This is a voluntary program intended to assist us in protecting the system’s water supply from contamination, and to identify vulnerable areas around our well called the “Wellhead Protection Area”. Another goal of this program is to make residents and businesses aware that chemicals and other pollutants spilled or dumped in the vicinity of the “Wellhead Protection Area” can be drawn into the well, possibly contaminating the system’s drinking water supply.

The town is asking for your assistance in developing this program.  A draft copy of the Wellhead Protection Plan will be available for review and comment on the town’s website and at Oakboro’s Town Hall, 109 N. Main Street, Oakboro NC  28129. You are invited to review the program and submit any comments or suggestions to the town.  All written public comments will be reviewed by the Wellhead Protection Committee, and any suggestions or comments that may be beneficial will be incorporated into the program.  Comments on the draft will be received until July 21, 2024.

Click Here to access the draft.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the Public Works Department at 704-485-3351.

Posted June 20, 2024

Please email forms to or fax to 704-485-2439.

FOG (Fats, Oils & Grease)

Oakboro’s Drinking Water System includes approximately 27 miles of distribution lines, 2 booster pump stations and one elevated storage tank. Oakboro purchases drinking water from the City of Albemarle and Stanly County. Oakboro also operates a drinking water well. In 2011, Oakboro purchased 54 million gallons of drinking water and withdrew 15 million gallons from our well.

Town Office: 704-485-3351